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1. Service Purpose
- shellbox.dev provides development environments only. The service is not designed or intended for production workloads
- Allowed uses: personal development, company development work
- Prohibited uses: production hosting, reselling of environments, cryptocurrency mining, mass data processing
- Instances may run indefinitely as long as sufficient funds are maintained
2. Billing & Instance Management
- Active rate: $0.70/hr while connected via SSH
- Idle rate: $0.02/hr when disconnected
- Instances transition to idle rate immediately upon SSH disconnect
- All instances automatically stop when balance reaches $5
- Warning email sent at $5 balance threshold
- All data deleted when balance reaches $0
3. Data Management
- Automatic snapshots occur during instance stop/start (temporary, for continuity)
- Permanent/named snapshots functionality not currently available
- Data storage uses Azure LRS (Locally Redundant Storage)
- Users are responsible for their own data backups
- Users retain ownership of all data stored in their instances
4. Technical Limits
- Each instance: 8 vCPUs, 32GB RAM, 96GB SSD
- Network capacity: 100GB@1Gbps (subject to fair use policy)
- Full SSH feature support including port forwarding and X11
- Users are responsible for SSH key security
5. Service Modifications
- Service specifications and rates may change with notice
- Major changes will be communicated via email
- Users will have opportunity to download their data before any breaking changes
6. Acceptable Use
- No illegal activities or malicious code
- No unauthorized penetration testing of external systems
- No excessive resource usage unrelated to development
- Violation may result in immediate account termination
ssh shellbox.dev accept-terms
[info] Terms accepted. Type 'help' for available commands.
[info] Questions? Contact support@shellbox.dev